new install, first time home page request error

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12/5/2007 11:25:18 AM
Total Posts 19

new install, first time home page request error

First off congratulations on the award!  Somehow I feel like I won something too.

I have built mojoPortal- from source using the firebird data layer, and made it through a successful setup.  However when loading the home page for the first time I get the following:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Web.UI.Literal'.
at <0x00000>
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:InternalGetType (System.Reflection.Module,string,bool,bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetType (System.String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) [0x00000]
at System.Web.Compilation.AspComponentFoundry+AssemblyFoundry.GetType (System.String componentName) [0x00000]
at System.Web.Compilation.AspComponentFoundry.GetComponentType (System.String foundryName, System.String tag) [0x00000]
at System.Web.UI.RootBuilder.GetChildControlType (System.String tagName, IDictionary attribs) [0x00000]
at System.Web.UI.ControlBuilder.CreateSubBuilder (System.String tagid, System.Collections.Hashtable atts, System.Type childType, System.Web.UI.TemplateParser parser, ILocation location) [0x00000]
at System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator.ProcessTag (System.String tagid, System.Web.Compilation.TagAttributes atts, TagType tagtype) [0x00000]

This could be a mono bug,  could be mojoportal I don't know at this point.  Any hints/help would be great.  I have considered building from svn, but this is ultimately going into production so I figured a release version would be better.  In the meantime I'll keep at it.



12/5/2007 11:30:55 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: new install, first time home page request error

Hi Zak,

Thats definitely a Mono bug, I've seen it before but it has been fixed in Mono svn.

What version of Mono are you using?




12/5/2007 12:23:55 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: new install, first time home page request error

mono -V
Mono JIT compiler version (tarball)
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Novell, Inc and Contributors.
TLS: __thread
GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC)
SIGSEGV: normal
Architecture: amd64
Disabled: none

12/6/2007 8:30:51 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: new install, first time home page request error

I am considering two senarios:

1) run with the preview version of 1.2.6, and update to 1.2.6 when released (I am guessing soon, but when really?)

2) run with svn.  I have built/installed from svn before, but I haven't run anything with it, and I am a bit leary of this since this will be a production setup (hopefully) very soon.

3) modify mojoPortal to work around the bugs. and then update once 1.2.6 is stable

Any idea what 3) would entail?  what about going back a version of mojoPortal?



12/6/2007 9:00:06 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: new install, first time home page request error

Hi Zak,

As for using Mono, I think building from svn is the only way to have control over the stability of your build. If you keep a careful log of what revision you are using then you can always revert to the last stable revision that worked for you if updating introduces a bug or regression. This also makes it easier to help report bugs because often the answer when you report one is its fixed in svn but if you are working from svn you can report current bugs and get the fix as soon as its ready. Ideally you would have a testing machine that you would use to make sure no major problems before updating the production environment.

Using the latest Mono from svn also allows you to use the very latest mojoPortal from our svn trunk (building it yourself with MonoDevelop)  or I can make build of the latest code for you usinf MonoDevelop. I haven't been packaging new releases for Mono since because it doesn't run on the packaged releases of Mono (I don't know about the coming new version of Mono yet)



12/6/2007 9:22:47 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: new install, first time home page request error

Thanks for the advice especially regarding mono stability.  Now I'll just have to figure out how to integrate a svn checkout with a gentoo ebuild ;)

FYI I am running xen on my internal servers, so I do have an easy way to have dev-test-production servers.  It's new for me but it's been pretty slick,  especially when there are networking problems and I can attach to the virtual console through the hypervisor. 

Currently my plan is to have host the vm for the production/deployed site, and be able to have dev-test running on my local network.


12/6/2007 3:46:21 PM
Total Posts 126
YAF developer

Re: new install, first time home page request error

Zak, it's the same problem with my Gentoo. Read this for details . I'm afraid it's a Gentoo specific problem with some mirky dependencies, as Joe's SUSE works fine. If you find a solution, pls  post here. I use svn version and go without portage.





12/7/2007 10:53:33 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: new install, first time home page request error

I am currently testing a ebuild that pulls from subversion that also allow you to specify the revision for each of mcs, mono, and libgdiplus.  I since I am setting up a whole development system ( I'll be writing other code using mono for our production system) I figured I'd take a few minutes (hours) and do this.  Since gentoo's ebuild system is so flexible, one can customize in this way so that even whole system updates will pull this in.  Any how if you are interested, bob, I'll give you the ebuild once I know it works, but you'll have to figure out what to do from there.

12/7/2007 2:39:06 PM
Total Posts 126
YAF developer

Re: new install, first time home page request error

Zak, I can say what I tried. First, I simply replaced Literal with full and correct name. But the problem persisted. So it could be wise to replace it on the page tags level. So I first thought it don't like tag and links it to the incorrect namespace. But I can't see why it occurs in Gentoo??? The same compiled mono version... It's a logical paradox. And I can't find way out.

I would make the tarball , put it in distfiles and copy ebuild for the svn version , but I can't see what for? The mojoPortal doesn't work anyway. The only way is to mail to mono ebuild maintainer at But first it could be a good idea to simply verify it with other distributions.  

12/7/2007 2:52:10 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: new install, first time home page request error

To me this looks like a bug in Mono System.Configuration because it should know about the asp tag prefix and its mapping to System.Web.UI.

For our own custom server controls we have to tell it about the tag prefixes in Web.config under the pages > controls section like this:

<add tagPrefix="portal" namespace="mojoPortal.Web.UI" assembly="mojoPortal.Web" />

so you may be able to help Mono past this bug by putting something like this in the same section of Web.config:

<add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="System.Web.UI" assembly="System.Web" />

which may help it know where to load the type for the controls from.

Just a theory but I would try it.

Hope it helps,


12/8/2007 10:54:43 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: new install, first time home page request error

Joe, just out of curiosity and to get this straight but please correct me if I am wrong:

1)  You are able to run on mono currently (minus Web Parts)

2) You are using the latest mojoPortal (some probably not even in svn)

3) You use mono (mcs, mono, libgdiplus?) from svn


What subversion revision number is your mono checkout assuming the above conditions are true?

  BTW Thanks for helping figure this out.


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