Bugs in PostgreSQL legacy-dbscripts

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11/25/2007 3:08:32 AM
Total Posts 148

Bugs in PostgreSQL legacy-dbscripts

Hi Joe,

I'm trying to upgrade my mojoPortal-1.0.1 installation to 2.2.36 (on Mono- and I ran into a couple bugs in the legacy dbScripts.  In upgradefrom2-01to2-1.sql, around line 163, you have:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX mp_pagemodules_pkey
    ON public.mp_pagemodules(pageid, moduleid)

INSERT INTO mp_pagemodules (pageid, moduleid, panename, moduleorder, publishbegindate )

SELECT pageid, moduleid, panename, moduleorder, current_timestamp(3)
FROM mp_modules;

The first bug is that there is ";" missing from the end of the CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement.

The second bug is that you are selecting pageid from mp_modules, but the mp_modules table does not contain a column by that name.  What should that say?



11/25/2007 6:49:39 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Bugs in PostgreSQL legacy-dbscripts

Hey Dean,

I think that the pageid was in the modules table originally and this script was for the transition when the mp_pagemodules table was created (allowing modules to be placed on more than one page), it was later that the pageid was dropped from the mp_modules table.

I'll add the semi colon.



12/28/2007 1:52:24 AM
Total Posts 148

Re: Bugs in PostgreSQL legacy-dbscripts

Yes.  I stand corrected on the pageid issue.  I think I must have run the upgrade script twice by accident.


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