Form Wizard Pro Email Notification

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4/26/2013 9:10:32 AM
Total Posts 30

Form Wizard Pro Email Notification

I've just implemented a Custom Form Submission Handler with the Form Wizard Pro, which works fantastically by the way.  The custom handler I've implemented sends out an email notification.  I'm grabbing the email address(es) from the Notification Settings of the form.  However, the form is emailing twice, once using the normal Form Wizard template and once using my custom handler email.  Is it possible to prevent the built in notification from sending, but still use the Email Address field from the notification settings.

I hope my question is clear.  Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


5/1/2013 8:54:31 AM
Total Posts 30

Re: Form Wizard Pro Email Notification

Since I haven't had a reply to this post I'll assume that disabling the built-in notification while still populating the email address field is not possible.

Is it possible to pass an email address in the form hander .config file?

5/1/2013 10:11:52 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Form Wizard Pro Email Notification

Hi Rob,

You are correct that currently if the email is configured it will send notification. I just logged a request in our project tracker to provide an option to disable the built in notification for the scenario where you want to do it yourself from a submit handler.



5/1/2013 10:16:02 AM
Total Posts 30

Re: Form Wizard Pro Email Notification

Awesome Joe.  As always thanks for your hard work.


7/29/2013 10:29:24 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Form Wizard Pro Email Notification

fyi, I just released mojoPortal along with Form Wizard Pro which has this new option

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