How create two dinamic menu: one on the lef side and one on the right side

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11/23/2007 8:39:51 AM
Total Posts 11

How create two dinamic menu: one on the lef side and one on the right side


    I want create a template with two dinamic menu one on the side and one on the right side. I put on the left in the vertmenu div a portal:sitemenu tag and on the right? i don't know how to create an other dinamic menu on the right. is There a solution for my problem? Can i subdivide the site menu in two part: one on the left and one on the right.


Thanks for your help



P.S. I'm italian and i don't speack english very well, I hope that you understand my post.

11/23/2007 8:54:06 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: How create two dinamic menu: one on the lef side and one on the right side

Hi Dario,

This is an unusual use case and a complex question. Most likely you will need to write some code to do what you want to do.

Look at some of the skins that use both a SiteMenu and a PageMenu as these may help you. I don't think you should put 2 SiteMenu controls on the page because they will both show the same menu items. You could add another SiteMapDataSource control to your layout.master and then use mojoTreeView or mojoMenu to create your own menu but you will need to implement your own role filtering similar to what is done in SiteMenu. You will probably want to set a different starting node on the SiteMapDataSource control for the alternate menu. You might find helpful code examples in SiteMenu, PageMenu and ChildPageMenu source code.

Hope it helps,


11/26/2007 5:35:39 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: How create two dinamic menu: one on the lef side and one on the right side

Thanks for your help.

I'll try to write a new control for dinamic menu.



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