Hide one or more fields in registration page based on conditions

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3/25/2013 7:25:51 AM
Total Posts 28

Hide one or more fields in registration page based on conditions

I would like to hide some of the fields in registration page based on conditions for eg. 
when user tries to register to a website there will be a checkbox for :
 1.Organization 2.Individual
If He checked Organization "Company Name" will be displayed Otherwise for Normal user "First Name" & "Last Name will be displayed & vice versa.


3/28/2013 12:23:31 AM
Total Posts 28

Re: Hide one or more fields in registration page based on conditions

Please can I get answer to this question . it is urgent as need to meet client deadline. 


3/28/2013 4:32:39 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Hide one or more fields in registration page based on conditions

Sorry I have no solution to offer you, there is nothing built in to meet this need.

3/28/2013 11:35:44 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Hide one or more fields in registration page based on conditions

Hi Ray,

I can give you some advice on how to achieve this but I haven't written any code to do it.

  1. Copy the \Secure\Register.aspx file to a new file, we'll call it Register-Custom.aspx.
  2. Set the CustomRegistrationPage key to ~/Secure/Register-Custom.aspx in the user.config.
  3. Copy the mojoProfile.config file to a new file, we'll call it mojoProfile-custom.config.
  4. Add the "Organization or Individual" dropdown/radio button, "Company Name," "First Name" and "Last Name" fields to the mojoProfile-custom.config file.
  5. Add jQuery to the Register-Custom.aspx file to detect when the "Organization or Individual" field is changed. When it's changed, show and hide the appropriate fields on the page.

Joe D.

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