Content Stageing

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11/22/2007 9:01:05 AM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Content Stageing

What was the intended purpose of the content staging feature? I know you can create what you want a page to say and work on it without it being in the public view. However, once it is ready what then? Just copy and paste into a new page? Doing that looses all of the format created up to that point. To stop this what I have done is just create a new page, but do not let it be seen by users until you are finished with it.

However, is all that necessary if the staging content area could be used the same way as I described?

11/22/2007 9:08:55 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Content Stageing

If you edit content in a non public area you can move it to a public area without copy paste. Click the gear icon next to the title of the content and you will see a dropdown list of pages for which you have edit permission so you can move the content to a different page (any page you have edit permission on). Presumably, the author might not have this permission on the public pages so he can't move it but someone with permission can. So when the author tells you its ready you review and if satisified move it to the public page.

Alternatively it can also be published from the Content Manager by users in the Content Administator role.

Hope it helps,


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