Image Gallery

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3/17/2013 2:24:49 AM
Total Posts 14

Image Gallery

Hi to all

I have 2 Questions about Image Gallery.

First is the "Bulk upload" which is very usefull. I am only able to upload 10 Pictures in one Bulk upload, If I select more pictures I don't get the progress bar and I get the error Page (after this no Image was upl.oaded). If I select 10 or less Images all is working fine (I don't see the progressbar in this case, maybe because I am in the same LAN as the Webserver) (Client side Browser independent)

The second Question is about the Image gallery itself. Since Win8 Metro IE10 and Winphone user are not able to view Silverlight Plugins, I have to look for a replacement of my favorite Image Gallery in Mojo. I am not happy with the "Simple folder" Gallery, and I am not able to use the Nivo Gallery. Even if I will get nivo working some day, I am not sure if this will be the right way for me, because of same size of all pictures, no Thumbnails and so on) For Nivo I inserted
in the style.config of my skin, but there are no left and right Images only the words "LEFT" and "RIGHT" and  there are continues picture numbers at the top) And of course the CSSpath exists with content.

Are there any plans, or does anybody know a new IE10Metro and Winphone useable (of course normal Desktop Chrome, Firefox etc.)  Gallery which can be used with the power full Mojo Gui for configuring and uploading pictures in the webfrontend.

Optimum for me the Gallery allows Comments (Captcha), download full size image and link to google map if GPS is included in the picture.

Thanks a lot for help

Best Regards from Austria




3/17/2013 12:13:40 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Image Gallery

Hi Peter,

There is server configurations that control how large a file can be uploaded. I'm pretty sure that setting would also limit uploads by the aggregate size of all files that are uploaded in bulk at one time.

See Supporting Large File Uploads

The Image Gallery has 3 different slide show options, 2 javascript based and the one silverlight one. If you can't use Nivo, there is still one remaining option. With Nivo not checked, check the box for Use Slide Show and check the box for Start Slideshow Automatically. It uses a colorbox which can be styled by css.

The nivo orman theme no longer works because it was from an older version of Nivo. We upgraded to the latest version of Nivo and it has no orman theme but has a few others. I recommend use one of the other themes.

Also I think the same size requirement was only for the older version of Nivo, you should be able to use any size with the latest version as far as I know (subject to the resizing done to create web size and thumbnail size from the uploaded full size iamge based on settings). In the latest version of mojoPortal we link the web size image to the full size one.

Hope that helps,


3/18/2013 5:41:34 AM
Total Posts 14

Re: Image Gallery

Thanks a lot for help, large file point seems to be ok new.

NIVO Slider -  I changed the theme to dark or to light same problem as before, its working but no graphic points for NEXT, PREVIOUS, ONLY plain ugly re text, also the indexnumbers of the images as plain text in the image, no nice point´s under the image which I have seen in the web.

Best Regards from Austria


5/18/2013 4:09:27 AM
Total Posts 13

Re: Image Gallery

In new version of MojoPortal image gallery slide show with Color box does not work. After uploading some images the list of images thumbnail appear to me but by click on image thumbnail the actual image linked to new simple blank page.

5/18/2013 11:44:17 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Image Gallery

most likely you have script errors happening on the page. You should review Important Skin Changes article.

7/16/2013 9:04:55 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: Image Gallery

And another question is that when I decide to delete the  Image Gallery , while the folders and images it contained are still left, can we just change the setting of registration property to get the solution?

7/18/2013 2:16:09 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Image Gallery

@msnahm I've just found the same on one of my sites (image gallery colorbox not working after upgrade), and not yet had time to investigate. The script error on page load is:

SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'msie' of undefined or null reference
ScriptResource.axd, line 128 character 5

Getting this in Chrome and IE10.

But I couldn't see anything immediately relevant in the Important Skin Changes article. If you find the solution, please post it, and I will do likewise.

7/18/2013 10:12:16 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Image Gallery

Crispin Did you try enabling the jquery migrate plugin?

The error looks like something in your page is trying to use legacy jquery api, coming from scriptresource.axd just means the script is being combined with other scripts ie like in older Artisteer skins you may have something like this:

<portal:SkinFolderScript ID="sfs1" runat="server" ScriptFileName="script.js" AddToCombinedScript="true" />

If you have something like that you can set AddToCombinedScript to false and getter a better idea if it is coming from the Artisteer script but definitely all Artisteer skins need the jquery migrate plugin

7/18/2013 3:59:25 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Image Gallery

Thanks Joe - that fixed it ( IncludeJQueryMigrate="true" /> in layout.master)

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