Can I use FCKeditor in Safari

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11/21/2007 11:27:39 PM
Total Posts 6

Can I use FCKeditor in Safari

Can I use FCKeditor in mojoportal when I use the browser Safari ?

How can I implement this?

I know that FCKeditor can be run on Safari.


Best Regards.


11/22/2007 6:48:52 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Can I use FCKeditor in Safari

Hi Wing,

The packaged release of mojoPortal has FCKeditor 2.4.3 which listed Safari support as experimental but I could not get it to work so I hard coded it so it uses TinyMCE for Safari.

In svn trunk we do have the new FCKeditor 2.5 beta which is supposed to work with Safari so I will remove this hard coding today. I'll post again after the fix is in svn trunk.



11/22/2007 9:03:37 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Can I use FCKeditor in Safari

Hi Wing,

I just made the changes in my svn sandbox to allow configuring to use FCKeditor in Safari. Unfortuantely in my testing it does not work. The editor does render but it can't edit and doesn't display the current content when you try to edit existing content.

The changes will be in svn trunk by late tonight. The relevant new config settings with default values are:

<add key="ForceFCKToDegradeToTextAreaInSafari" value="true" />
<add key="ForceFCKToDegradeToTextAreaInOpera" value="true" />

<add key="ForceTinyMCEInSafari" value="false" />
<add key="ForceTinyMCEInOpera" value="true" />

So by default I'm forcing FCKeditor to degrade to textare since it doesn't work but you can change it if you want to try it.

I found that TinyMCE crashes Safari on my old mac.



11/23/2007 1:18:49 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Can I use FCKeditor in Safari


Thank you for your kind attention and fast response!

Do you mean that I need to try it myself?

Which modules should i start from?

Is it hard to do it?



11/23/2007 5:37:31 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Can I use FCKeditor in Safari

Hi Wing,

If you get the latest code from svn trunk you will have the FCKeditor 2.5 beta. By the settings in Web.config in my previous post, it will force FCKeditor to degrade to a textarea in Safari. If you set all those settings to false then it will try to use FCKeditor in both Safari and Opera so you can try it yourself using Safari and FCKeditor. Those web.config settings are the only things you need to change.

In my testing, while the editor did render (ie I could see the editor and the toolbar) it did not function. I'm using Safari on an older Mac with OSX Panther. Maybe you will get the same result as me or maybe it will work for you if you try it. So by setting it to degrade to a textarea I could at least edit in Safari though as raw html not using the wysiwyg.

Even worse for me was trying to use TinyMCE in Safari would crash the browser hard.

I still need to test Opera.



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