Russian comunity

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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3/10/2013 12:38:23 AM
Total Posts 36 - Russian community of mojoportal

Rissian community

Good day.

Let me introduce my site 

I'm trying to produce Russian Community around CMS mojoportal. All articles was taking from this site and translating to Russian. If I broke copyright, please inform me.

This is third or fourth attempt of create community. Before me there were sites, and All of them were closing. I'll try that my site hasn't befallen their fate. I think that it is very important, for development mojoportal in the 1/6 land territory.

At present, was translate a small part of all articles. I'm try to translate 1-2 articles in day. But usually easier to make sense in English than to translate into Russian. If anyone in this forum has translated articles, or want to help me - welcome.

In any case, thanks a lot Joe for his Great CMS.

3/11/2013 9:09:33 AM
Total Posts 36 - Russian community of mojoportal

Re: Russian community

To Moder or Admin.

Please, correct Theme's name to "Russian community".

Thanks a lot.

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