slide show problem in mojo protral

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3/7/2013 4:10:28 AM
Total Posts 28

slide show problem in mojo protral

I would like to add slide show of images on my home page 
I get to know about this really good feature of mojo portal with which we can add slide show using html content.
I tried using this feature .but it didnt work out for me.
I am describing the steps please let me know where am i going wrong.

I have added following data in html content 

<div><img alt="Slide1" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/skins/TestSkin/images/slide1-1440x427.jpg" /></div>
<div><img alt="Slide2" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/skins/TestSkin/images/slide2-1440x427.jpg" /></div>
<div><img alt="Slide3" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/skins/TestSkin/images/slide3-1440x427.jpg" /></div>
<div><img alt="Slide4" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/skins/TestSkin/images/slide4-1440x427.jpg" /></div>
<div><img alt="Slide5" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/skins/TestSkin/images/slide5-1440x427.jpg" /></div>

& go to setting of html content & checked "Enable Slideshow of Elements?"

& when tried to see whether the changes are reflected or not .

All the images are displyed one below the other instead of showing as a slideshow.

Another problem that i am facing is that when i try to add images throgh insert or edit image option in html content .I am not able to browse below Data/Sites/1
if my images are present at location Data/Sites/1/media then how can i access those images .
please help me out.

Thank in Advance


3/7/2013 1:31:38 PM
Total Posts 93

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: slide show problem in mojo protral


Do you have a Class entered in the "CSS Class For Slide Container div" setting?  Because if you do have a Class there and do not have an element that wraps your slides with that class in the HTML then it won't slide. Make sure that you have that setting cleared if you're not planning on doing any advanced markup for the slider.  That's about all I can think of that might be the issue outside of a JavaScript problem.

I'll jot down the basic setting you need just in case something there might be the issue.

Slide Show Settings:
Enable Slideshow of Elements?                 Checked (Enables Slider)
Slide Container Height (0 = auto)             "0"
Slide Transition Effects                      "fade" (Other effects are "curtainX,turnUp,slideY,zoom,scrollRight")
CSS Class For Slide Container div             (leave blank)
Randomize slide sequence?                     Un-checked (Check to Randomize the slider sequence)
Use extra clear type corrections in slides?   Checked (Smooths things out, should generally be left checked)
Pause Slideshow on Hover?                     Un-checked (Check to pause slider when you hover over it)
Slide Duration In Milliseconds                "3000"
Slide Transition Speed                        "1000" (In Milliseconds)
Enable Slideshow Pager?                       Un-checked (Check for numbered navigation, will render below slider)
Place Pager above Slideshow?                  Un-checked (Check to place Navigation above slider)

Once you've reset these settings and it still doesn't work, I would be looking for a JavaScript issue.

As for the file browsing, I'm not entirely sure if I know what you are asking. If you could take a screenshot and link to it I could take a look at it.

I hope this helps get you going in the right direction, if not I'm sorry.

Have a good day,

3/7/2013 1:35:28 PM
Total Posts 93

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: slide show problem in mojo protral

It seems that you can not read all of the settings, if you want to see all my comments then copy and paste them into notepad. Sorry about that.

3/7/2013 1:47:17 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: slide show problem in mojo protral

Information about file access from the editor file browser is in the article Allowing Users To Upload and Browse Files

For content slide shows I would not put the images in the skin folder, only skin related files should go there, it would be better to put them in the /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/media folder or a sub folder.

ie if the slide show was embedded in layout.master it would make sense to keep the images in the skin folder but if its in an Html content instance I would not put the files there, its cleaner to keep skin files separated from other files.

3/7/2013 11:58:38 PM
Total Posts 28

Re: slide show problem in mojo portal

Hi  I have changed settings according to yours .I have removed "CSS Class for Slide Container Div" .

Other settings were same.
I have also changed location of image folder.Now it resides in media folder

<div><img alt="Slide1" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/media/1/FullSizeImages/slide1-1440x427.jpg" /></div>
<div><img alt="Slide2" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/media/1/FullSizeImages/slide2-1440x427.jpg" /></div>
<div><img alt="Slide3" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/media/1/FullSizeImages/slide3-1440x427.jpg" /></div>
<div><img alt="Slide4" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/media/1/FullSizeImages/slide4-1440x427.jpg" /></div>
<div><img alt="Slide5" src="/mojoportal/Data/Sites/1/media/1/FullSizeImages/slide5-1440x427.jpg" /></div> 

but still problem continues.Images are displayed one below the other.
I have created new skin.I was thinking problem might be because of that . 
so i changed my skin to other inbuilt skin provided but nothing changed.
What might be the javascript problem? if there is issue the how can i resolve that?

also in case of file browsing i am right now working as administrator.So i should have full access of files nut i am not able to browse below  
.I am also attaching screen shot for this.Please have a look at it.

Thanks for quick reply.

3/8/2013 3:00:36 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: slide show problem in mojo protral

Have you tried using browser tools to see if any script errors are happening on the page. ie in Chrome browser right click > Inspect Element > then look under console

If your site is public post a link as it would be much easier to help if we could see the site.

3/12/2013 1:44:20 AM
Total Posts 28

Re: slide show problem in mojo protral

Thanks a lot .That solved my problem.I was unable to access some of the java script file. 

thats why slideshow was not working & also now i am able to browse all files.

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