Add page Authentication

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11/15/2007 11:51:21 AM
Total Posts 3

Add page Authentication

I have set my site up so that members can add their own pages. When they click the + sign on the page which allows them to add a page they can add the page. However they can an error stating they are not allowed to edit the page (they just added).

It works when they have full access to the parent page. Is this by design or am I missing something?



11/15/2007 12:51:14 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Add page Authentication

Users can only create pages beneath a page for which they are in a role with "Create Child Pages Permission" and can only edit pages for which they are in a role with edit permissions. They are separate permissions. It seems reasonable that a user who has permission to create a page should also be able to edit it but they are separate permissions mainly to facilitate the use case where they can edit but not create child pages.

By default when creating a new page it will inherit permissions from the parent page so if you want the user to both be able to edit and create pages below a page then they should have both those permissions on the parent page.



11/15/2007 2:05:04 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Add page Authentication

Can I make an enhancment request that will allow the creation and editing of child pages regardless of the parent state?

For now I'll just state on the parent page to NOT make any changes. (But you know what happens when you tell people to not do something)


11/15/2007 4:33:02 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Add page Authentication

Hi Ray,

Yes I think I can fix this. The logic will be that if the user who creates the page is in the CreateChildPages role (which they must be) for the parent but not in the Edit Roles of the parent then make the new page Edit Roles the same as the Parent Page Create Child Page roles.

I'll fix that tomorrow and have it in svn trunk by tomorrow night.



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