Nivo slider default features to be added with mojo

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2/17/2013 1:34:13 AM
Total Posts 17

Nivo slider default features to be added with mojo

Hi folks!,

I was wondering if it's possible to add links to images in nivoslider and the user be able to add these hyperlinks to images

another point that would be cool is to control the caption below the images like the default nivo slider

for example, include (caption for nivoslider) and (link for nivo image).


This would have all the functionality of the default nivo slider in mojo :)

^^ that's for the suggestion part


As for now, how can I add hyperlinks and (captions) to images in the existing mojoportal?



2/18/2013 11:26:23 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Nivo slider default features to be added with mojo


In our source code repository I have just pushed some changes to update to the latest version of NivoSlider. I have made it use the captions for images in the Image Gallery and I have made the web sized image link to the full size image.

To do something different such as link to something else you would have to implement your own feature. Or to use captions in layout.master you would have to wire up the javascript yourself instead of using <portal:NivoSlider which is merely a convenience control.



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