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I run a mojoportal site for personal use and often put so people can like my postings.
But it only says "3 persons like this, be the first among your friends"
But why cant i see who of my friends that likes the posting?
You can only see who if the person who liked it is one of your facebook friends and if you are logged into facebook in the same web browser.
Hope that helps,
I am logged on facebook and Im certain some of them are my friends but i stil dont se any names.
Do you have ShowFaces="true" on the facebook like button?
Facebook Like Button Show Faces? is active. Is this the one you mean?
yes, then I would think you would see faces and if you mouse over them the username.
Facebook can be flaky so your mileage may vary
I dont se any names just "3 people like this...", "9 people likes this.."