Using Disqus for comments in blog module

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2/6/2013 10:51:17 PM
Total Posts 28

Using Disqus for comments in blog module

We are wondering why when a user adds a comment we cannot moderate the comment first. Its seems to automatically post immediately. I've reviewed all options in mojo and Disqus and cannot figure out why this is happening. Do you have any advice? Is this possible to actually moderate a comment and approve it, before it pushes live?

Thanks in advance for the help.

2/7/2013 10:40:50 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Using Disqus for comments in blog module

It seems to be working for me, I just approved a comment on one of my blogs. Weird thing for me is that I've never turned on a requirement for pre-moderation and in the past comments were posted immediately but today it did not get posted until I replied to the email with "Approve". So they may be changing settings on their end. In any case it is not something controlled by mojoPortal code, all we do is load their javascript.

Hope that helps,


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