Show menu and sub menus only for authenticate users

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2/4/2013 2:29:38 AM
Total Posts 1

Show menu and sub menus only for authenticate users

How to show menu and sub menu only for authenticate users??


I created 2 pages

calculate.aspx , definition.aspx

and i have two users (siteadmin , portalusers)

for site admin i need to show this two pages in menu but portal users(portalusers.aspx) it wont show in menu items.. how to set???

any one help...

thanks in advance...


2/4/2013 9:24:48 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Show menu and sub menus only for authenticate users

Set the view permissions in page settings to specific roles, only the user's in allowed view roles will see the page or the menu item corresponding to the page.

Assign users to roles according to what pages you want them to see.

See also Roles and Permissions

Please don't login as different users and ask the same questions over and over. I see another user with the same ip address asking the same questions.

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