Shared sites mode - question about switching to this

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1/30/2013 11:15:59 AM
Total Posts 128

Shared sites mode - question about switching to this

We have some sites running within one mojoPortal installation, and at first we did not use shared sites mode. So each has users. One site is much more developed than the others and has lots of users and some custom roles.

The user community for the sites has a lot of overlap, so we now think we should share users and roles. I know I can switch to this mode by adding

<add key="UseRelatedSiteMode" value="true"/>
<add key="RelatedSiteID" value="1"/>

And we would set the RelatedSiteID to be the one that has developed further.

I'm trying to think through whether this can be achieved readily without breaking stuff. I realise the user accounts on the slave sites will not work any more and they will need to re-register. On the slave sites we have not used any custom roles. But is there anything else to watch out for?

And is this change reversible, or will it make database changes on restarting with the new setting (e.g. deleting the users and roles not associated with the master site?).


1/30/2013 11:26:51 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Shared sites mode - question about switching to this


I did this once on our demo website (we have a public site setup for our clients to use to see live work progress) a long time ago. We probably didn't have as many roles for that as you do but we didn't have any problems. 

My suggestion would be to resotre a backup of your site to a staging site and make the changes there. Afterwards, try logging into the various sites and especially try working with content on the most populated site. If you don't run into any issues, you should be prepared to make the changes to the production site. 

Switching to Related Sites Mode shouldn't delete any existing users or roles so if you decided to switch back, your old accounts will be there.

Joe D.

1/31/2013 5:41:55 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Shared sites mode - question about switching to this

Thanks Joe, I've done the thing, and all appears to be fine.

Plus I've managed to keep the user accounts from the sites other than the RelatedSiteID by updating their SiteID in mp_Users.

The only thing I had to reset/set was the "Email Addresses(es) For User Approval" on the new master site (for users/roles).

1/31/2013 8:05:01 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Shared sites mode - question about switching to this

The only problem with updating the siteid on the users is if they were already registered in more than one site there will be duplicate emails which could cause strange side effects, I would look through the data and delete any duplicate accounts to avoid problems.

1/31/2013 8:17:57 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Shared sites mode - question about switching to this

Thanks Joe I spotted that, and fixed a couple. Overall much easier than I had feared.

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