
A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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1/24/2013 11:33:02 PM
Total Posts 27


I am new to mojoPortal and was wanting to know how I can change backgrounds, or header jpg etc.


I also downloaded the mojoPortalSkin.artp and it says to To Install the Plugin, extract the .zip file and then drag the .artp file onto Artisteer 4 or double click it. Then you willl see an option in Artisteer to export a mojoPortal skin where is this done at. Is it done within in file manager or where.



1/25/2013 8:36:55 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: skins


To use the mojoPortal Skin Exporter for Artisteer, you must have Artisteer 4 installed on your computer. Once you have it installed, all you need to do is double-click the Skin Exporter plugin you downloaded from the mojoPortal site and it will be installed into Artisteer.

All of that is done on your computer, not on your server.

Joe D.

1/25/2013 8:52:52 AM
Total Posts 27

Re: skins

sorry but new to mojoportal

is there a way to edit skins with out that or do I  need it.

I have on server so do I need to download that version on my computer or is it ok to download and use Artisteer 4

1/25/2013 9:45:45 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: skins

Artisteer is certainly not the only way to skin. Other options are:

  • Use a delivered mojoPortal skin, and optionally tweak it to look like you want.
  • Use one of the skins created under the mojoPortal HTML 5 skins initiative (or use it as a starting point for your own changes).
  • Develop a skin from scratch (this is the most work, and only recommended if you are very good with CSS and have a lot of time).
  • Pay a third party to develop a skin for you. Joe D.'s company i7MEDIA has expert designers on staff.

Whether you decide to use Artisteer or not, I highly recommend you upgrade your mojoPortal installation to the latest code line. There have been a lot of changes to the layout rendered by mojoPortal since


1/25/2013 9:49:02 AM
Total Posts 27

Re: skins

I would like to upgrade but its on a web hosting server that I use.

for Use one of the skins created under the mojoPortal HTML 5 skins initiative (or use it as a starting point for your own changes). do I just edit the css or how do  I go about editing a skin all ready there


1/25/2013 10:00:11 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: skins

Neither Artisteer 4 skins nor the mojoPortal html 5 skins are compatible with older versions of mojoPortal.

1/25/2013 10:01:07 AM
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Re: skins

You'll need to be on a recent version to use the HTML 5 skins, since some changes were made to mojoPortal so it would render the right markup. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to upgrade a hosted installation of mojoPortal, assuming you have access to the file system and database. The installation documentation should cover every thing you need--just make sure you have a good backup of the file system and database before starting.

1/25/2013 10:28:26 AM
Total Posts 27

Re: skins

Is there a way to edit the skins I have now would it be in the css file or where
1/25/2013 11:04:39 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: skins

Yes, in general you will use a tool like Firebug to identify the CSS that you want to change, then you locate the corresponding CSS file, make the change(s), and test the results.

Read through the Design and Skinning documentation for more detailed information.

1/25/2013 12:33:21 PM
Total Posts 27

Re: skins

ok thanks

this may sound crazy put I have clicked on the download button at the top to download the then version and nothing happens.

1/25/2013 12:44:20 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: skins

You need to read what it says on the download page, it links to codeplex where the download files are hosted. You will also need to know what .NET framework version your hosting has so you can choose the correct package to download from codeplex.

Hope that helps,


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