jQuery UI 1.9.0

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12/13/2012 5:38:24 PM
Total Posts 92

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

jQuery UI 1.9.0 mojo Bugs


'autoHeight:false' is a deprecated option among many in the latest versions of jQuery UI (1.9.0-1.9.2), so where the UI accordion in mojo is being called with "div.mojo-accordion-nh" you still get a set height by the UI which causes a lot of problems on module setting pages and should be changed to 'heightStyle: "content"'. I have come out with a temporary fix with CSS ("div.mojo-accordion-nh { height: auto !important; }"), but it only masks the issue.  There have been a lot of changes to jQuery UI as the group is trying to make everything unified, so I think going through upgrade guide would probably be a good idea considering. http://jqueryui.com/upgrade-guide/1.9/.

Also I believe that mojo is running 1.9.0 and the newest version of jQuery UI is 1.9.2.  Just giving you a heads up.


12/14/2012 10:10:07 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: jQuery UI 1.9.0

Hi Elijah,

Thanks for that! I had noticed some problems in the accordion in module settings but wasn't sure what was causing it.

I will fix this for the next release, in the meantime it can be fixed immediately from layout.master by adding this attribute on <portal:ScriptLoader:




12/17/2012 9:52:41 PM
Total Posts 92

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: jQuery UI 1.9.0


I was using your fix (JQueryAccordionNoHeightConfig="{fx:{opacity:'toggle',duration:'fast'}}") and noticed that "fx" is also deprecated and has been replaced with the animate option and therefore UI 1.9.0 ignores the string. What I wound up using is JQueryAccordionNoHeightConfig="{heightStyle: 'content'}" and it fixes the issue.  It looks and functions the same as opacity toggle by default so there is no extra setting needed.



12/20/2012 2:35:37 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: jQuery UI 1.9.0

Hi Elijah,

Thanks! I'll remove the deprecated stuff.



1/28/2013 12:25:01 PM
Total Posts 190

Re: jQuery UI 1.9.0

I'm also noticing an error coming up in the mojosuperfish.js related to this jquery version update. It appears .browser is no longer supported. Is there an update yet for this one?



1/28/2013 12:36:29 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: jQuery UI 1.9.0

I'm using jquery 1.8.3 and jqueryui 1.9.2 and I'm not seeing any problems or script errors with superfish using the jqueryui-1 skin



1/28/2013 12:59:13 PM
Total Posts 190

Re: jQuery UI 1.9.0

Oh, sorry. For some reason I was thinking you had jquery 1.9. Well, heads up, then! 1.9 is losing .browser().

Thanks again.

1/28/2013 1:40:37 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: jQuery UI 1.9.0

Ok, I see. Note that the thread topic is referring to jqueryui and I didn't realize that jquery 1.9 is out, I assumed you were talking about a version of jquery already enabled within mojoPortal.

In testing here locally with jquery 1.9 and jqueryui 1.10.0 I found that both superfish and colorbox were broken but I was able to solve that by getting the latest versions of each. So unless I find any other broken plugins due to the change in jquery we should be able to switch to the latest versions of jquery and jqueryui when we ship the next release of mojoPortal.



1/28/2013 1:49:26 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: jQuery UI 1.9.0

I've just pushed changes to our source code repository updating to the latest jquery, jqueryui, superfish, and colorbox.

I added a file /ClientScript/jqmojo/mojosuperfish150.js and modified the /Data/skins/jqueryui-1/layout.master to load the new version.

Note that mojosuperfish150.js is just superfish, hoverintent, and supersubs scripts combined into a single file.



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