Blog "New Comment" fieldset

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12/11/2012 9:02:15 AM
Total Posts 2249

Blog "New Comment" fieldset

Hi Joe,

Is there any way to make the "New Comment" (fldEnterComments) fieldset not show up when comments are disabled for a particular post? It's just an empty fieldset, so it's rather useless really.

P.S. I really like the new CKeditor skin. It's very clean and seems like the icons are a bit bigger as well.

Joe D.

12/11/2012 12:04:49 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog "New Comment" fieldset

Hey Joe,

Thanks for pointing that out, it is a bug. I've just fixed it in my copy so it will be fixed in the next release. However you can also fix it immediately in your copy by editing


look for this:

<fieldset id="fldEnterComments" runat="server">

and change it to this:

<fieldset id="fldEnterComments" runat="server" visible="false">

It is actually the fieldset for the legacy blog comment system rather than the new comment system.



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