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Hi, I made a website with hundreds of pages
Now, when I create a new page, the parent page is no longer selectable from the dropdown box, but I have a "search" dialog that doesn't work with Internet Explorer 10.
It's a feature to have a faster loading of the settings page? Can I force the loading of the dropdown or make an higher count?
I will investigate the problem with IE 10 and report back. Are you sure it is not a skin related or skin specific issue?
It is configurable how many pages are too many for the dropdown but the default setting is about as high as you can realistically go because of a security change in ASP.NET if there are too many form elements in a page (including hidden fields and viewstate) it causes an error as on this thread. Each item in the dropdown is a form element so if you have hundered of pages its going to be too many when combined with all the other form elements in the page plus viewstate elements, that is why we created the dialog page in the first place, to solve this error that happens when there are too many pages.
I'm not experiencing any problems with the parent page selector dialog in IE 10 on windows 8 so I'm guessing its a skin specific css problem.
I mean, the dialog is this http://imgur.com/QW2kN
The skin is the untouched artisteer31-starsnflowers
About the dialog, it works with IE10, it has some lag when expanding the treeview (around 2-3 secs) probably because of the large number of pages - i assumed it wasn't working and immediately closed it, my bad
I'll try to re-train the editor (he is a retired old man) to use the dialog