does artisteer 4.0 work with MP ?

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11/19/2012 9:04:41 PM
Total Posts 42

does artisteer 4.0 work with MP ?

Hi Joe

having some funny problems with artisteer 4.0 !!

firstly i've copied the artisteer31-hovermenu skin from \data\skins..  to a a new skin folder \data\sites\1\PMS

works great, drop down menus etc ...

open Artisteer 4.0 with the downloaded artisteer31-hovermenu.artx file...

change the background to be white only ...

did not copy the layoutmaster , but all other files to new folder PMS

issues... drop down menus do not work  and the text input boxes are huge !!!

why ?

i know how to remove the side menu not a problem ( ie layout master )



Lee Berry



11/19/2012 9:18:24 PM
Total Posts 42

Re: does artisteer 4.0 work with MP ?

sorry forgot to add , use the MP export plugin too ..




11/20/2012 8:34:13 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: does artisteer 4.0 work with MP ?

Hi Lee,

I have not tried using .artx files created in older versions of Artisteer and not sure if there are things that may need tweaking in Artisteer after doing that. However I can say that the output from Artisteer 4 is much different than previous versions and you should use all of the exported files, you cannot use a layout.master from a previous version, its much different as is the file. All of the files are important. Make sure you save the project in Artisteer to make sure it upgrades your .artx file format before exporting.

Older  versions of Artisteer exported xhtml whereas Artisteer 4 exports html 5, it is much much different output, lots of changes in the markup. So it would not surpise me if some things got lost in the translation from an older .artx file. 

Hope that helps,


11/28/2012 2:05:11 AM
Total Posts 42

Re: does artisteer 4.0 work with MP ?

Hi Joe


that worked ... used all the files exported from artiserr 4.0 and the MP plugin

now im trying superfish menus .... without much luck ... 

do the instructions  still work with artisteer 4 ?




11/28/2012 10:15:50 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: does artisteer 4.0 work with MP ?

Hi Lee,

That article about Superfish is in no way related to Artisteer skins. Trying to integrate a different menu such as Superfish or really any design changes made after exporting from Artisteer is not something I can offer support or advice for. Just like building a design from scratch, that kind of thing requires a lot of trial and error there is not some easy step by step recipe I can offer. It is probably doable but would require a good deal of skill with css to make it blend visually with an Artisteer skin.



11/28/2012 11:54:44 PM
Total Posts 42

Re: does artisteer 4.0 work with MP ?

Hi Joe

thanks for the feedback...

Decided to sit down and have a good play with Artisteer 4.0 with regards to it's menus ...  more than happy with the results.  So far there are very few changes required to the exported (MP plugin)  files..






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