SSL error message

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10/24/2012 9:15:39 PM
Total Posts 224

SSL error message

After upgrading from to I'm now getting a strange SSL error on my only site that's using SSL (and has been for a couple months).

Here's the error which is inside of the sign-in module:

This message in red wasn't there before the upgrade and SSL was working OK. I have the page settings "force ssl" checked and I'm using a skin that has all links in SSL. No matter what I try the red warning message won't go away. Thoughts? Something must have changed since the last upgrade.

10/25/2012 6:44:05 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: SSL error message

Hi Eric,

I noticed that bug shortly after the release and have already fixed it. Its only supposed to show that message when SSL is available but is not used on the page containing the login module.

However you can disable that message immediately by adding this to user.config:

<add key="ShowWarningWhenSslIsAvailableButNotUsedWithLoginModule" value="false"/>



10/25/2012 10:09:59 AM
Total Posts 224

Re: SSL error message

Darn, didn't work. I touched the web.config.

Here are my setting in user.config related to SSL. Site #4 is the one with SSL on it. I tried changing some of the other true/flase options below but they had no effect.

<add key="Site4-SSLIsAvailable" value="true" />
<add key="EnableSSLInChildSites" value="false" />
<add key="SSLIsAvailable" value="false" />
<add key="SSLIsRequiredByWebServer" value="false" />
<add key="ResolveFullUrlsForMenuItemProtocolDifferences" value="true" />
<add key="ShowWarningWhenSslIsAvailableButNotUsedWithLoginModule" value="false"/>

10/25/2012 10:51:51 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: SSL error message

Hi Eric,

That should have worked. There are a couple other ways to solve it though.

Hide it by css .nosslwarning { display:none; }

or from set the Visible property to false.

<portal:InsecurePageWarning runat="server" Visible="false" />



10/25/2012 11:07:12 AM
Total Posts 224

Re: SSL error message

I should have thought to do that (css hide). Thanks Joe (for putting classes on everything!!).

In case someone else has the problem until the next build the actual class name is called "sslwarning"

.sslwarning { display:none; }

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