Clone Event Calendar

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10/12/2012 1:46:17 AM
Total Posts 12
Ramesh Menta

Clone Event Calendar


Kindly suggest me how to clone event calendar. I have gone through the page but unable to follow complete procedure.

I would like to add only change to existing event calendar that while displaying events, it should filter by logged in user ID.

I can add WHERE condition in existing stored procedure however needs to change entire references.

Kindly suggest me simple steps.

my site:

10/13/2012 8:45:42 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Clone Event Calendar


Cloning a feature is not always easy and the complete procedure differs slightly for each feature.

You said you aren't able to follow the complete procedure for cloning a feature, what does that mean? What step or steps are you having trouble with?

Also, I've moved your post to the Developer forum as it is not a feature request.

Thanks, Joe D.

10/17/2012 3:10:39 AM
Total Posts 12
Ramesh Menta

Re: Clone Event Calendar

I am even not able to understand tech words/procedure which used in the clone existing feature page.

I am little bit familier with c# and sql. With low knowledge, i have designed to facilate users in two ways.

1. Users can send SMS reminders/e-mail reminders to any one in the world at specified date and time.

2. Users can write their personal diary. For this, i am using my custom coded .ascx file. view this for more details.

However Mojo portal's event calender is more effective than my custom coded file.

Kindly help. I just wanted to do filter while rendering events data in the event calender that is userID is equal to logged in user ID.

10/17/2012 8:52:55 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Clone Event Calendar

Cloning a feature does require an advanced developer who fully understands the code that he is trying to copy into a new feature.

There is no shortcut or easy answer for this.

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