Re: aggiornare la pagina "figlio" coi records della pagina "genitore"
This is what Google translate gave me of your post:
"I would like you to clarify how you do it because a page "child" is automatically updated with the records (articles) of the page "parent" that is, how to have reached a certain number of items in the home, they go to archive? automatically in the "child" without necessarily having to manually copy.
I would appreciate if someone could help me to solve. I'm new and I thought it was more intuitive mojportal and instead the guide shows considerable shortcomings as to make it almost useless."
I am reading what you are saying, but I still do not understand. What is it that you are trying to do with the Parent - Child pages?
Translation: Sto leggendo quello che stai dicendo, ma io continuo a non capire. Che cosa è che si sta tentando di fare con la Capogruppo - pagine figlio?