Show errors instead of changing skin

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10/4/2012 6:10:03 AM
Total Posts 40

Show errors instead of changing skin

Hi there,

How can i set up mojo to show errors instead of changing to another skin?
This keeps me checking up the log.

Thanks in advance,

10/5/2012 1:12:09 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Show errors instead of changing skin

I could add a web.config setting in the next release to make it possible to turn that feature off but in general I don't think a mistake in layout.master should be allowed to completely crash your site which it would do if we did not have handling for it. If I add this setting and you turn it off in your site and forget about it then someday someone will make a small change and accidently bring the site down. If something doesn't look right in your skin it is a clue that perhaps something is wrong in layout.master and its best to review the log to find the error.

Note that we are not loading a different skin, only a different layout.master file, it is still loading the css from the skin.

Its very easy to make mistakes in layout.master that cause errors, copying and pasting something with a duplicate id on the control will do it for example or leaving out required things.



10/9/2012 12:01:06 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Show errors instead of changing skin

fyi, in the latest source code I've added a config setting to allow you to disable the failsafe master page, you can add this to user.config:

<add key="UseFailSafeMasterPageOnError" value="false" />

So this setting will be available in the next release.



10/9/2012 12:08:13 PM
Total Posts 40

Re: Show errors instead of changing skin

Thank you ;)

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