robots.txt 2390

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9/9/2012 3:58:00 PM
Total Posts 28

robots.txt 2390

This problem is on my site.

Disallow: /nofollow/

9/10/2012 10:50:11 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: robots.txt 2390

Why is that a problem?

That rule tells googlebot and other search crawlers not to crawl files or links in the /nofollow folder

The only way that could be a problem is if you actually have a folder named nofollow. I recommend don't create a folder with that name so you will not have any problem, but if you really need a real folder with that name you could edit your copy of robots.txt to remove that rule.

The purpose of that rule is for when I want to track link clicks in google analytics for external links and other purposes where the page url I want to track for tracking purposes only does not really exist. For example I track click for advertisement links on this site like this:

<a href=";utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_campaign=mojoportal" onclick="_gaq.push([&#39;_trackPageview&#39;,&#39;/nofollow/ad/i7media/i7media-skinning.aspx&#39;]);return true;"></a>

but I need that rule otherwise google bot and other crawlers will follow the link from the javascript and it will show up in webmaster tools as a broken link because /nofollow/ad/i7media-skinning.aspx is not a real url, it is a fake url used for tracking this link click in google analytics.

Hope that helps,


9/10/2012 12:01:53 PM
Total Posts 28

Re: robots.txt 2390

hi Joe
This is the site's robots.txt file, there is an explanation for this result. Learn more.
failure to give does not seem to no longer calls.

9/10/2012 12:28:54 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: robots.txt 2390


I suggest you explain your problem in more detail. What you have said so far makes no sense at all. 

The Disallow: /nofollow/ in the robots.txt file shouldn't be a problem unless you have content under /nofollow/ which you want to be indexed by search engines. If that is the problem, remove Disallow: /nofollow/ from your robots.txt file. If that is not the problem, you need to explain your problem in detail so that we can help you.

Joe D.

9/10/2012 12:42:33 PM
Total Posts 28

Re: robots.txt 2390

I have encountered such a problem.
Disallow: / nofollow / After you remove the problem is solved.
Thank you for your interest.
Best regards

9/10/2012 12:51:45 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: robots.txt 2390

What problem did Disallow: /nofollow/ cause?

9/10/2012 12:59:14 PM
Total Posts 28

Re: robots.txt 2390

Disallow: / nofollow /

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