Shared Files folder description and uploaded by

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9/6/2012 11:30:25 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Shared Files folder description and uploaded by

  1. Folders in the Shared Files module look like it should be possible to add a description (there's a description column when "Show Description?" is switched on for the feature). But when I go to Edit Folder, there's a big gap above the Parent Folder and Folder Name properties, but no HTML editor. Should there be?
  2. The "Uploaded By" column in the table gets some rogue leading spaces, e.g.<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Joe Bloggs</td>



9/6/2012 12:11:50 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Shared Files folder description and uploaded by

Description is only supported on files but folders and files are displayed in the same rows and columns, its not like I can remove the column for fodlers.

The main purpose of the description when it was implemented for files was to provide a way to make files show up  in search results. We don't have a way to index the actual files such as word docs or pdf, but one can paste the text of the file into the description and the description is indexed in the site search making a workaround for file search. Some people could display the  description if they are not using it for that purpose but generally it should be hidden since it would contain so much text.

I will remove those hard coded spaces.



9/6/2012 12:50:58 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Shared Files folder description and uploaded by

Ah OK - it was the large gap on the editing page made me wonder if something had fallen off by accident.

I'd seen your guidance about the use of the description field for indexing, and actually I'd like to have both, a visible description plus a hidden one for indexing content (can that find its way onto your list of requests - low priority).  But this makes me think... the files could perhaps be loaded into the database and indexed there. But perhaps that would be a SQL-Server-only solution that would not work in the other mojoportal database platforms?

9/6/2012 1:56:33 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Shared Files folder description and uploaded by

In the settings for the Shared Files feature there is a "Show Description" option. Are you saying you would want the description that is shown to be different from the one that is indexed? If so, just wrap any text you don't want shown in <span style="display: none;"></span>.

Joe D.

9/6/2012 2:39:22 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Shared Files folder description and uploaded by

Yes that was exactly what I meant - a brief visible description such as "Original user manual for the X55 discombobulator, dating from 1955", and a place to put indexable but non displaying text (such as the content of the PDF/doc).  So yes I guess hiding this indexable text with css would work - nice tip.

9/8/2012 4:09:27 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Shared Files folder description and uploaded by

Having tried this, while it works just fine, it's a rather techie solution to a genuine need, so I'll come back to requesting that there should be two fields:

  1. Description, which can be visible or not by preference.
  2. Indexed Content: never visible, simply serving as a place to put document content text for indexing purposes.

Nice and clear for users what's going on, and alows both visible description and good indexing.

And, in relation to my original question, it would be nice to be able to add a description for folders as well.

9/8/2012 12:19:21 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Shared Files folder description and uploaded by

I've logged these requests in our project tracker. Can't promise when we will get to them but they are reasonable requests.

I don't think hiding part of the description with css is a good solution because if the file content is very large it is adding a lot of payload to the page even if it is hidden, so for now I would just keep the descriptions hidden if you are using them for file content indexing.



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