Hi Kendo,
I'm not sure if mojoPortal has support for that - I'm sure somebody who knows will chip in - but I know you can do that with a little jQuery.
You'll need a way of selecting those specific pages that you want the content to show up on, so you'll want to add a body class.
Next, edit and add this to a javascript file in your skin, or inside a <script> tag in your layout.master
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($(".pagebody").hasClass("yourclass") {
$("html title").insertBefore("yourhtml");
Inside the if statement, anything added inside of $("") will be the element you want to add to, and anything inside .append("") will be the content you're adding. If you add HTML with attributes or classes, you'll need to use an "\" before each quote.
Example: If you want to add a new div inside the body, you'd write:
$(".pagebody").append("<div class=\"myclass\">My div content</div>");
- Be aware that the .append() method will add your div to the very bottom of the body in this case. If you want it at the top, select the first element inside the body and then use the .insertBefore() element instead.
Be aware that adding meta tags with jQuery is probably a bad idea. But I hope this helped anyways,