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I was looking around at the documentation and can find if this is possible.
I would like to save a page, but not publish so I can work on it for a period of time then publish.
How would I accomplish this?
Thanks in advance
The easiest way is to set the view roles on the page to something restricted then when you are ready for it to be public change it to All Users
If you later find you are wanting to edit the content of an existing page, but only make the edits live when you are ready, then the Content Workflow system may meet your needs: https://www.mojoportal.com/using-the-content-workflow-system.aspx
Alternatively, if this is too complex, I have at times copied and pasted HTML content from a visible instance to a new one on the same page that is restricted to admin only, worked on the content changes then, when ready, remove/hide the original feature and make the new one visible for all. There are various ways of achieving this, including automatic switchover at a designated date/time.
Thank you Joe and Crispin,
I like both options you have presented and I will be testing out each one. I wanted to be sure the page, content in the page, sitemap link display and the navigation link was not visible until it was set to public or approved.