Member List Menu Item

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10/3/2007 2:46:52 PM
Total Posts 43

Member List Menu Item

We are building an application that is built on top of the existing mp_User security model. It appears that once a user authenticates into the system they will have the “Member List” menu item to browse other users (in this case clients browsing other clients). Is there a way to have this menu item not listed? We don’t want to necessarily lose this functionality for other hosted sites.

-Todd Lewis
Summit IT Solutions, Inc.

10/3/2007 3:21:25 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Member List Menu Item

There is a setting in Web.config

RolesThatCanViewMemberList which takes a semicolon spearated list of role names. By default it has the Authenticated Users role which means that anyone who logs in can see the member list. You could limit it to Admins by putting the role Admins there. Note that this is global across sites in a multi site installation though.

Another option is to remove the link from the layout.master file but this doesn't prevent someone from seeing the page if they know how to navigate to it. It will automatically hide the link from users who are not in the allowed roles so this is uneeded in that case.

Hope it helps,


11/18/2009 10:43:55 AM
Total Posts 14

Re: Member List Menu Item

I realize this is an old thread - I have tried adding


into web.config, but it did not remove the "members list" link from the top menu.  I can modify the master.layout file, is this the best way to go?

11/18/2009 11:18:08 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Member List Menu Item


Yes, that config setting is no longer used. You can configure it now from the web UI under Administration > Site Settings > Security > Permissions

Hope it helps and many thanks for the beer you just sent!



11/18/2009 12:38:23 PM
Total Posts 14

Re: Member List Menu Item

You're very welcome (it was a coffee, actually - so we both can be well caffeinated)!

Thanks for the quick answer!  I am still exploring the latest release.  The child site map looks very useful, but most of the skins have a child menu, making it complicated (because you don't need two of those navigation objects on the same page).  I guess I need to make a duplicate of the skin without the child menu for use on pages that I want to have a child site map. 

If I wanted to promote a new feature to you, I think it would be site import/export.  When you're limited to a small number of databases on a hosting account, you're driven to use the schema feature, but then backups and restores of individual sites become tricky.


11/18/2009 3:01:12 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Member List Menu Item

It is a complex feature in my long term vision but not something to expect real soon unless some 3rd party decides to implement it. In the long run I would like to be able to export from any db platform and then import into any other db platform mojoPortal instance.

But, like I said, it will be very challenging to implement it well. It may need to be implemented as an interface that can be implemented on specific features. It would be very difficult to come up with a universal solution that can handle any feature. It will also be challenging to handle version mis-matches like exporting from an older version and importing into a newer one.

If or when I ever do implement a solution for this I will probably make it a paid add on feature.

One strategy that could be used in the mean time, is to backup a full db with all sites and then either write queries to delete all but one site or use a local copy of the site to delete the unwanted sites so that only one remains, then produce another backup and it should have only 1 site.



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