If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
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Love the update! Great work!
How can I change the color of the comments? They aren't showing up with the site background. Is there any way to remove the posters job title which appears next to their name on the posts? I looked in the facebook apps page but I couldn't find any way to change these settings.
You can see how it appears on this page.
There is only an option for light or dark, dark may be better for your site, see the article Styling Facebook Comments
Hope that helps,
The dark looks much better. Thank you. How do I apply the same changes to the blog?
I just updated the article with info about how to do it in the blog.
Got it. Thanks Joe! I think there is a bug with how the comments appear on the blog when you are using facebook comments. Below each blog post I see 2 links one that says comments and the other says comments(0). The zero isn't referring to the facebook post count and both links go to the same place. Should I repost in bugs?