Hide "Subscribe?" Column in Forum

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8/1/2012 12:07:57 PM
Total Posts 18

Hide "Subscribe?" Column in Forum

Hey Joe,

is there any setting to hide the Subscribe buttons for authenticated users?

It´s hidden for not authenticated users, tho..



8/1/2012 12:13:14 PM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: Hide "Subscribe?" Column in Forum

Hello Tim,

For most standard mojo features there is a way to hide them from either authenticated or unauthenticated users. You simply click the "settings" link for the module you want to hide, then click the "general" tab in your jquery ui, then look for the "Hide From Authenticated Users?" and "Hide From Anonymous Users?" checkboxes.

Hope this helps,

8/1/2012 12:19:29 PM
Total Posts 18

Re: Hide "Subscribe?" Column in Forum

That only tells me you have not read my post....but thanks anyways. 

It´s not about hiding the whole Forum, only hiding a column in forum listing.
There is no setting for that...........

8/1/2012 12:25:51 PM
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Re: Hide "Subscribe?" Column in Forum

In this case you can't hide the subscription link through module settings, but you could use CSS to hide it like this:

.forumnotify {
   display: none;


8/1/2012 12:26:23 PM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: Hide "Subscribe?" Column in Forum

Ah, sorry, I read it via e-mail where the heading isn't so noticeable amongst all the mojo notifications I get.

I've actually run into a similar issue on my own website - I wanted to put the subscription icon on the thread level instead of the full forum level.

There's no way in mojo to hide it that I know of without using CSS. Assuming you really want the whole forum column to go away, the following CSS should do the trick:

.fsubscribe {
     display: none;

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