If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Hello all,
Quick question about the content management system:
When I click the "Compare Draft to Live" button and it shows the two versions side-by-side, is there any way for it to highlight/show the differences (insertions and deletions) between the two versions?
No we currently don't have a way to do that but your question got me curious if there was something we could use to do that so I googled and found this and will look into integrating it.
Thanks for the quick reply, that package looks exactly like what I'd be looking for.
I'll buy you a bunch of beers if this makes it in. :)
This is now implemented in the source code repository so it will be in the next release.
Beers = earned :)
Any idea when the next release will be? (no rush, just curious)
possibly by the end of the month, if not then most likely early July