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What is the best way to assign a user so that they edit a certain page.
Its for a community website where we have clubs. Each club will have its own page which they are responsible for editing themselves. So if I set up a "Club" role and then assign the roles that can edit the page to "Club". I then assign the users to the Club role (e.g Fred from the swimming club and Bob from the karate club). I can set each user to only be able to edit the content blocks on a page (user that can edit this content), but each user can change the layout and page contents of each others because they belong to the same role (which can edit that page).
One solution I have is to set up a new role for each club, but I was wondering if there was another way around this (as we might end up with a load of roles consisting of 1 user per role?) Is there a way of assigning a user to edit a page rather than a role.
Thanks in advance.
Using a role per club is the way to do it, there isn't another way, security is based on roles.
Ok thanks!