Weekly report on content changes?

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5/8/2012 2:47:50 AM
Total Posts 2

Weekly report on content changes?



we use mojoPortal as our internal company knowledge system. We want to inform our colleagues automatically one time a week about the changes on the content (new pages, page changes etc.)

I searched the documentation and forum, but got no idea.

Any ideas?


Thanks in advance,



5/8/2012 1:36:27 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Weekly report on content changes?

Hi Steffen,

We don't currently have anything built in to provide that, though we do have created and modified dates in the database.

I've added a request in our project tracker for this. Maybe we can create an rss feed or a module with recently created or updated pages. It won't be a trivial thing to do because we have make sure we honor security permissions (page view roles) and don't show a user any pages he doesn't have permission for.



5/9/2012 3:02:03 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: Weekly report on content changes?

Hi Joe,


thanks for your information!





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