If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Hello all,
During all of my time here, I honestly should have seen this if it exists, but I cannot find anything related to it. as you know, I hate image verification because I feel that it breaks the model that everything should be accessible and user friendly for everyone. In fact, I haven't even set myself up with an image verification service. My question though, is as an alternative, does the latest Mojo Portal version support admin approval? In other words, each registrant's submission for registration would go to the administrator's email for approval instead of using image verification? If not, then that's a feature worth looking into implementing. If so, then could you please point me to the relevant documentation for setting it up? Thanks very much to all.
Under Administration/Site Settings/Security tab/Main sub-tab, you'll see a checkbox option for "Require Approval Before New Users Can Sign In?" - that sounds like what you're looking for. Under it is an option to include the e-mail address of the approving administrator; will that suit your requirements?
Very much so. Thank you. The goal here is to quit allowing fakes in, for that's what seems to be happening; I have a ton of users, yet I'm having issues determining who is real and who is a robot.
I had a significant problem of that nature with several of my mojo-based sites earlier this year - you'll probably see a specific pattern of e-mail addresses and "secret answers" used. I ended up applying the same approach, with good results. Good luck!
Thanks. and the even funnier thing with me is that in my case what will happen is that I'll click for the supposed user's profile, and either I'll get redirected to Google or Bing, or the profile will just throw a HTTP404 error message. That tells me that I'm looking at a fake.