
If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.

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4/17/2012 1:11:35 PM
Total Posts 148


I am trying to use Membership with Forms Authentication.  I tried using the ASP.Net Web Sit Administration Tool but it keeps telling me it cannot create a user.

Is there an article you can point me to so I can read about how to add users.  Basically, I only want some users to see the mojo Portal sign in links and I plan to include them inside a LoginView control but I need to know how to add users outside of mojo Portal.

4/17/2012 1:46:32 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Membership

You cannot use the ASP.NET Administration tool for managing mojoPortal users.

You can create users from the member list page if you are in a role to manage users there is a link to add new user on the member list page. you can disable site registration so users cannot register themselves from site settings then you can still add users manually.

What you are saying about putting the sign in link inside a loginview makes no sense, sign in link must be visible when the user is not logged in not when the user is already logged in so there is no logical way to show the sign in link to just some users because you don't know who they are until after they sign in and at that point the sign in link is hidden anyway

4/17/2012 2:09:53 PM
Total Posts 148

Re: Membership

So the mojo Sign-in links must be used for all users of the site, whether they're users form outside or users managing the site.  I thought there were two user types. I thought the mojo sign-ins were for the administrators of the site and that we had to create our own users for the site we deploy.  

Would it be possible to have two user types like I described above?

4/17/2012 2:22:50 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Membership

I think you're confused about how the users and roles system works. Basically, you create all users the same way and then assign them different roles. The roles are then setup on pages and content to control what the users in those roles can see and do on the site.

As far as hiding the sign-in link so that only certain people see it, as Joe A. said, you can't do that. What you can do is remove the link altogether and have those that would need to sign-in just type in http://www.some.url/secure/login.aspx.

Joe D.

4/17/2012 2:29:26 PM
Total Posts 148

Re: Membership

Can we move the links to another page and have a button we create to link us there? I guess I really want to customize the login rather than create my own.

4/17/2012 2:29:30 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Membership

The only thing that differentiates users that manage the site is their roles and the permissions associated with their roles. Users who register on a site don't get any roles with special permissions unless you add them to the roles. I sign into this site the same way you do but I can edit content and you can't because you are not in a role allowed to edit content. The only reason people register on this site is to show their support for the project (since we want them to register), to be able to post in the forums, or to purchase add on products.

So the kinds of users are:

  • anonymous visitors who are not signed into the site and we don't knw who they are
  • users who sign into the site

The second group only has roles granted to them and can only do what their roles allow but there is only one kind of user, they are all registered users who have an account on the site and they may have different roles and therefore different permissions.

Now you may have a site where the only people who do login are the ones who manage it if it is just a brochure site not using forums or ecommerce. For a site like that you could either put the sign in link in the footer where less people will notice it or remove the sign in and register links from the layout.master file and the users who manage the site would have to just know that they can login by going to /Secure/Login.aspx. But there is no way to show the links to just some users because you don't know who they are until they login. If I'm a person in the adminsitrators role the site does not and cannot know that until I login.

Hope that helps,


4/17/2012 3:09:23 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Membership

Can we move the links to another page and have a button we create to link us there? I guess I really want to customize the login rather than create my own.

I'm sorry, I really don't understand what that would accomplish. Do you want the login to look different for Admins versus non-Admins? If so, what value would that provide?

Joe d.

4/17/2012 3:44:35 PM
Total Posts 148

Re: Membership

We have two different types of possible logins. For one type of "logee" we want them to see one page while logging in.  For another type, we may want them to see something different (A different color, or whatever).  I was thinking of placing one big login button in the Master file with a drop down next to it.  This drop down will list the different types of "logees" there are. After selecting one, they can be transferred to the login page. The login page may look different depending on what they selected as the "logee" type (The login controls can look the same but the page will look different).  Also, I would prefer the links not be on the first page they see.

4/17/2012 4:05:20 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Membership

We don't have that kind of functionality available in mojoPortal and it seems an edge case to me. The user should not be able to choose what klind of logee he is just to see different design on the login page. He should just login then you know what kind of user he is by his roles.

You could build a custom login page to achieve that but my advice is keep it simple, ultimately once the user logs in he is just a user with whatever roles he has.

We have a site login module that you could put on a specific cms page and then remove the sign in link form layout.master then they will not see it unless they visit the page that has it.

5/4/2012 10:26:05 AM
Total Posts 148

Re: Membership

I tried using the "Sign In Module" with "Add Content:", but the page appears blank.

5/4/2012 11:17:15 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Membership

By design Sign In module only appears on the page when you arte not signed in.

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