installation on a Linux shared-server with mono

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

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  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

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4/13/2012 9:50:53 AM
Total Posts 147
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installation on a Linux shared-server with mono

Hi Joe, and all the rest of you... I've managed to let my ASP.NET hosting go by the wayside, and at the moment I can't afford to get it renewed; yesterday I found a freehost that seems to offer free ASP.NET hosting, but it does so on a Linux system, using Mono (the pertinent info is "Phusion_Passenger/3.0.11 mod_mono/2.6.3 mod_jk/1.2.30").

I see various instructions for getting Mojo installed on this type of system, but it all seems to assume that it's on a dedicated machine, one's own machine, or is for someone with a GREAT deal more knowledge of and control over server OS issues than a denizen of a shared server could possibly have -- I know NOTHING of setting up a server, any kind of server, or the kinds of files that a server needs for proper config -- are there any instructions for installation in this type of situation? (shared server, Linux running Mono, NOT a server-config geek). 

I really hate that my free skins are offline; I could of course offer them for download from my Linux-hosted .com site, but they're all getting kinda old, for older versions of Mojo, and I really need an actual running ASP.NET setup in order to update them or create any new ones.  What I may have to do is just get Arvixe's smallest Personal ASP.NET acct, rather than the unlimited Personal, but any extra expenditures are kinda out of the question at the moment, hence the search for some kind of ASP.NET freehosting -- there ain't much of it out there.

Any help or advice would be MORE than welcome...




4/13/2012 9:59:53 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: installation on a Linux shared-server with mono

My advice is don't bother, you'll just encounter frustration. Mono has never become stable enough to reliably run mojoPortal and we have not made release packages for Mono in quite a while. There are always too many bugs in Mono and since Novell fired the Mono team they started a new business mainly focused on using Mono for building tools to build mobile apps for iphone and android so they are not really focused on making the ASP.NET stuff work better like they were when it was under Novell, and even when they were focused on it, it never quite got there and was never reliable for running mojoPortal.

Sorry for the bad news but that is the way it is.



4/13/2012 10:33:33 AM
Total Posts 147
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Re: installation on a Linux shared-server with mono

Well, that really blows, since I can't right now afford even the $42 for 6 months of the limited Personal ASP.NET hosting, nevermind the $60 for the unlimited.  This one I'm checking out, with the Mono, is HelioHost. 

However, I do see one called "Somee" which is a native ASP.NET server, rather than running it via Mono; however I'm wondering if the lack of a dedicated app pool will be a problem with Mojo?  Also it says it does NOT "Allow change IIS pipeline" and I'm wondering if that could be a problem. 

Bearing in mind that my site does not get a lot of traffic, won't consume a lot of bandwidth, and is primarily for the purpose of allowing me to test new skins as I develop them.  How large does the db become, for a Mojo site that isn't huge, but has a lot of skins?  Somee apparently has a 15MB limit on MS SQL db size, and I don't know if that is sufficient for a functional Mojo site.



4/14/2012 8:54:57 AM
Total Posts 147
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Re: installation on a Linux shared-server with mono

So... no estimates on the potential size of the db in a smallish Mojo site?  It looks like that "Somee" might just get it done, but only if the Mojo db can fit in 15MB.

Any estimates?  Guesstimates?  See, I can't go look at any of the dbs of any of my Mojo sites, because they're all offline!



4/14/2012 10:10:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: installation on a Linux shared-server with mono

That should be plenty of db space for your purposes. Shared app pool should be ok, it "should" work with either Integrated or Classic  pipeline. Your mileage may vary with cheap/free hosting.



4/14/2012 9:42:25 PM
Total Posts 147
Download Free Mojo Skins

Re: installation on a Linux shared-server with mono

Ok, cool, thanks!  It's certainly not the optimum situation, freehosting never is, but at least it might let me get my skins updated, and allow me to get them back online until I can claw $42 out of the budget.  We're so busy trying to get all our other expenses in line, with the new house and all, and this one just totally got by me -- imagine my dismay when I found that ALL my sites were down -- and it was much cheaper to renew the Linux hosting for the moment, plus it has my major email accts.  I wish MS server hosting wasn't so costly, but then again, none of my sites have ever been hacked -- it happens pretty regular with Joomla, unless you stay RIGHT on top of the updates!




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