Creating of gridview

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4/12/2012 10:39:56 PM
Total Posts 2

Creating of gridview


I am new to mojoportal. and i have created a module through the guidance of the tutorial videos.

but for now, i would like to retrieve my information and display them on a gridview, can someone suggest how should i go about doing it? or is the code provided in code smith?



4/13/2012 1:16:49 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: Creating of gridview

Hi Tommy,

There are many code like your scenario in mojoPortal source code. Look at the AdminCountry page in mojoPortal.Web  project under Admin folder.

Hope Helps,


4/13/2012 1:51:05 AM
Total Posts 2

Re: Creating of gridview

Hi Asad,

yep i will try and see how thing goes. but there is no way i cans ee the design right???



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