Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

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8/16/2007 7:40:21 PM
Total Posts 4

Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

I just killed my DNN installation to try mojoPortal and am so far very impressed. Easy to install, customize, and good performance.

I'm using the HtmlContent module to setup a page and I need to create links to other pages within the site. How do I do this? When I try to use the 'create link' button on the FCK editor I can only provide a URL, I can't select a site page to build a link to that page within my html.

Am I just missing something easy?

8/16/2007 8:01:23 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

Oh good lord - I'll answer my own just use the page name with other as the type. haha, sorry to waste your bandwidth!

8/17/2007 6:30:21 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

I usually just right click the link to the other page in the menu and then choose copy link and paste it in the editor url dialog.


1/14/2008 1:37:38 PM
Total Posts 30

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

where do you find the page name?

1/14/2008 1:46:43 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

I'm not sure what you are asking. The Page Name is listed in the menu and can be used for the text part of the link and  the url can be obtained by right clicking the menu link and choose "Copy Link Location" if using Firefox or "Copy Shortcut" if using IE.

Normally I just type in the text, highlight it and click the toolbar item for link and paste in the url that I copied.

Am not sure I understand so if that doesn't help please clarify.



1/14/2008 4:11:22 PM
Total Posts 30

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

Is there a chance of the FCK Editor I have is a version older? Reason, I ask is with the FCK editor that I have used on a different ECM installation, it offered "browse server" button when trying to create links within the portal. It allows me to browse through the content within the portal. I can then click and create a link to that piece of content. Thanks for all the help.

1/14/2008 4:16:37 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

I think this is a feature that FCKeditor exposes but I will need to build the service url that can populate it. I will look into this soon it should not be difficult to implement. I'm sure its similar to the file browser. I'll take a look tomorrow and see what I can come up with. I'll post again after I look into it.



1/15/2008 6:28:23 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

The link browser is now implemented in svn trunk. If you click the link toolbar item the dialog now shows the browse server button. For roles that can upload (as defined in Web.config) you can browse the server for files or pages to link to. For those users Pages will be in the Pages folder, for other users Pages will be the only thing available to link to using the link browser. So far this only works in FCKeditor but I plan to try and implement plugins for the other editors at some point soon.

Users in the upload roles can also upload files using the link browser so you can easily upload a file and link to it.



1/21/2008 5:32:17 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

Thanks for sorting that out Joe, I've a user is asking for it as the feature apparently was available in an older version of Mojoportal and disappeared when I upgraded their site. I thought "Browse Server" button was there on the link dialog in the passed as well :S

1/21/2008 5:42:49 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

The browse server button may have been in the link dialog at some point in the distant past but if it was there it only allowed linking to files in the file system. Since pages in the CMS don't correspond to files in the file system it was never possible to browse/link to a page. The ability to do that is a new feature I just implemented in svn, its not in the release but will be in the coming incremental release.

The browse server button has always been in the image dialog so it may be what the users are thinking of. I really don't think its been visible in the link dialog in a very long time.



1/21/2008 6:51:33 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Create link in HtmlComponent to another portal page

I'm pretty sure you're right, it was a very old version I upgraded as I also had to rebuild the skin completly too.  That'll teach me not to leave it so long next time before upgrading them.

Getting the latest code now



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