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I am trying to do the following.
<div class="login"><form action="" id="Form1" method="post" name="Form1"><input name="Flag" type="hidden" value="1" /><div class="login-field"><label>Account No.</label><br /><input id="AccNo" name="AccNo" type="text" /><br /><label>User Id</label><br /><input id="UserID" name="UserID" type="text" /><br /><label>Password</label><br /><input id="Passwd" name="Passwd" type="password" /></div><div class="login-button"><label><input id="button" name="button" type="submit" value="" /> </label></div></form></div>
But when i click on the submit button it appears to be doing nothing?
If anyone can help I would appreciate it I am very new to the whole Web development thing but experience application developer. So go easy on me... lol
In webforms there can be one and only one form on the page and it already exists in the layout.master file so you cannot add one in content. In custom development you can set the PostBackUrl on <asp:Button to control where the form posts but you cannot do this in html content in the wysiwyg editor. See the article Building a Simple PayPal Buy Now Feature for more info on this topic.
Hope that helps,