If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Hello Everybody,
i'm using the current version and setted up a "Multiple Sites Based on Folder Names" environment and everything works fine except one thing.
I have used multiple sites to have 5 different language on my website, created my folders (en, fr, de, es) but - i really don't know why - in site list i can't see the english site.
The Italian language is the default one. Then i have English, French, German, Spanish.
French, German, Spanish are in the list...English not.
I had a look at the database table dbo.mp_sites. The field of English SiteName was empty (??why??). I simply wrote "English" in that field. Now my list is complete.
You may also find it helpful to add this in user.config:
<add key="ShowSiteIdInSiteList" value="true" />
Thanks Joe,
Hello Joe, I added the string, but what should happen?
If you don't see the site in in site list then touch Web.config to make it detect that change in user.config
It will show the site id in the list so you would see it even if the site title is blank.
oh, I see...I forgot to shake the web.config....now everything is ok.
I see this:
Italiano (this site)Francese (SiteID = 3)Inglese (SiteID = 2)Spagnolo (SiteID = 7)Tedesco (SiteID = 6)
Great Joe as always :-)