File Manager generated links only work when logged in

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3/22/2012 12:09:56 AM
Total Posts 39

File Manager generated links only work when logged in

What operating system? Windows Server 2003

What database platform? MS SQL Server 2005

What version of mojoPortal? MSSQL

Steps to produce the problem, expected results, actual results
In file manager obtain a link to the file using the "Get Download URL" button eg:

Links, like the one above, work when logged in but when but not logged in a page is returned with only the followingmessage:

{"succeed":false,"status" : "Denied"}


Hoping this is just a config or setup error. Any advice appreciated


3/22/2012 9:05:55 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File Manager generated links only work when logged in

The links from Shared  Files are not meant to be used outside of shared files such as in content. If the user has view permission on the page that has the Shared Files feature he should be able to download the files by clicking the links in Shared Files. If the Shared Files instance is on a page protected by roles then the user must be signed in to view the page or to download the files.

Hope that helps,


3/22/2012 8:43:01 PM
Total Posts 39

Re: File Manager generated links only work when logged in

The files were up-loaded with the File Manager not the Shared Files module

File Manager is only accessible to Administrators, so do you mean the Download URL generated by File Manager is not meant to be used to download the files on the public facing site?  



3/22/2012 10:54:00 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: File Manager generated links only work when logged in


Yes, that's correct, the download links you will find in the File Manager can only be used by Administrators. You should use the File Browser in the content editor to create links to the files.

Joe D.

3/23/2012 12:34:43 AM
Total Posts 39

Re: File Manager generated links only work when logged in

@Joe Davis thanks! Looks like I was trying to use the wrong thing 

I will have a look at Shared Folders as mentioned by Joe Audette

Thanks for your help and quick responses!

3/23/2012 10:27:41 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: File Manager generated links only work when logged in

You don't need to use the Shared Files feature unless you want to control who can download the files or unless you want rudimentary version control on the files. If you're simply providing a link to a PDF, you can just upload it using the File Manager or the File Browser in the editor. If you upload something.pdf to /Data/sites/1/documents, your link would be "/Data/sites/1/documents/something.pdf". If you have a lot of files to upload at once, go to Administration > File Manager and click the "Alternate File Manager" link at the top. The alternate file manager allows multi-file uploads whereas the basic File Manager doesn't.

Joe D.

3/25/2012 11:04:34 PM
Total Posts 39

Re: File Manager generated links only work when logged in

Thanks Joe. That clears up when to use Shared Files and File Manager.

The client had trouble working out the links in File Manager so I have built a link helper that generates a list of links to files that had been uploaded in the File Manager for them to copy and paste into content.

3/26/2012 8:09:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File Manager generated links only work when logged in

There is built in fucntionality to browse and link to files in the content editor. Just select the text for the link, click the toolbar button in the editor for links and there is a button to browse the server, click the file you want and it populates the link with the correct url.

Hope that helps,


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