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OK, I've had a bit of quirky behavior pop up, and wondered if anyone else has seen this.
Customer created two accounts, one for admin, one for training. Other admin deleted one of these as a duplicate. Because I know there are issues of this nature with these clients, I don't have "permanently delete" selected for users.
Here's the quirky behavior: when the customer tried to log in with the deleted account, they didn't receive an "invalid user" error message - instead, they received a "password incorrect" message. The system sent out a password reminder message, even though the account is technically deleted. Login still doesn't work, of course, because it's a deleted account. Is there something I need to do in order to ensure they get the correct error message, or is that something that needs to be corrected in the code itself?
Thanks for the bug report, I will fix this for the next release.
Thank you - much appreciated!