RssFeeds has no format, only text.

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3/21/2012 9:17:49 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: RssFeeds has no format, only text.

Enabling excerpts makes the post list show excerpts and it works with manually created excerpts so they can show html. If a manually created excerpt exists it does not automatically generate a plain text one in the post list it uses the manually created one.

The blog post detail must show the full post otherwise they would never be able to ready anything except the excerpt. The read more link goes to the full post so they can read the full post.

Are you using the latest version of mojoPortal?

3/21/2012 7:58:58 PM
Total Posts 36

Re: RssFeeds has no format, only text.

Hi Joe,

I am using the latest version of MJPortal.  

It's not picking up any of the excerpt in the normal blog post.  As a test, I created a new blog post, gave it a title but left the body blank.   I then went to the excerpt tab and typed in an except text.   I then went back to view the blog post, and the title of the new blog entry is there but nothing else.  No excerpt.  So it appears the blog post picks up the excerpt character settings and applies them to a blog post in the blog editor, but does not use the actual text from the excerpt editor.  This would be OK, but it strips out the formatting when reading the text in the blog editor.  

If MJPortal is supposed to use the excerpt instead of the actual blog text in blog post; then this is not how it is working.  As far as I can tell the excerpt only is working/appearing in the feed. 

I have checked the "use excerpts" and "use excerpts for feed" is there another setting that needs to be set on the site or web config?

For a check I went to the demo and tried it, and in the demo it seems to work as you stated, but on my site it is not.  The excerpts are not being read in the blog post.  I wonder what could be causing that?

3/22/2012 12:46:39 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: RssFeeds has no format, only text.


I just remembered this was a bug in the intial release of version but it was fixed and the release packages were patched with the fix, see the notes on the codeplex download page, you can download it again and replace a few files to solve this.

Hope that helps,


3/22/2012 7:45:19 PM
Total Posts 36

Re: RssFeeds has no format, only text.

Thanks Joe,

That worked.  I replaced the mojoPortal.Features.Business.dll with the one in the latest download 2-3-8-1 package and the excerpt's seems to work as expected.  For good measure I also updated the rest of the patched .dll's described in the readme, so the site should be now be current with the latest patches. 

Thanks again.

3/23/2012 10:02:05 AM
Total Posts 36

Re: RssFeeds has no format, only text.

Hi Joe,

I'm open to improving this if somone comes up with a safe and efficient way to generate an html exceprt of a specified length that doesn't miss any closing tags and doesn't chop words in the middle. But until we have something to do that we can only safely generate a plain text excerpt.

One possible approach might be to not parse the the HTML at all, but just limit the viewer size to n number of lines. So if one limits the viewer to 3 lines that's all they get in the view.  The underlying HTML code is just generated/rendered in full, it's just that the display only shows the specific number of lines specified.

A Manual read more break extension to the CKEditor would be another solution. 

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