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I looked at the demo image gallery at, and when you click on a thumbnail it opens up and shows the picture in the foreground and dims the background. On a site I am working on (with the latest version of mojoportal, clicking on an image shows it at the top of the page (above the header in the upper left of the site) and not in the foreground.
I have searched and looked through all the settings and can't find what I am missing. Can anybody provide me some advice on what I can do to resolve this or what I am missing?
See the sticky thread about important skin changes, you should check this after every upgrade. You are missing the CSS for colorbox.
Hope that helps, Joe D.
Thank you, Joe. You're awesome! While I haven't fixed it yet, I just did some testing on another MP site I'm starting in development and it's working with that skin. I was finally narrowing it down to the skin and your information makes it even easier for me to track down.
Final update - following Joe's advice, I was able to get this issue resolved.