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Hi all,
Not sure what is causing this problem, but I have setup my site locally and everything works just fine.
However, if I am logged on and I leave the session for 5 minutes and then continue to click around, the next thing I click on does nothing. It looks like its about to go to that page from what it shows in the bottom left hand corner of the browser, but it just hangs. It doesn't stop you clicking on anything else, but anything on the site doesn't work. You can click a Favourites and go completely somewhere else like Google, but until I close the browser and relaunch it, it no longer works. When I do relaunch I need to log on again.
Sorry but I'm not able to validate or reproduce this problem.
If you are working from the source code repository you might try updating to the latest code.
Thanks Joe. I think its a problem with IIS 7.5.
Need to look into it a bit more.