It is very strange, the posted error is in .NET code, it does not seem to be anything related to the db
In my case I have "hh.mm", instead of "hh:mm".
That is strange, I would not expect it to behave different on different machines using the same culture.
It is populated like this:
DateTime tomorrow = thisDay.AddDays(1).AddMinutes(-15);
ddStartTime.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(thisDay.ToShortTimeString(), thisDay.ToShortTimeString()));
ddEndTime.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(thisDay.ToShortTimeString(), thisDay.ToShortTimeString()));
int i = 0;
while (thisDay < tomorrow)
i += 1;
thisDay = thisDay.AddMinutes(15);
ddStartTime.Items.Insert(i, new ListItem(thisDay.ToShortTimeString(), thisDay.ToShortTimeString()));
ddEndTime.Items.Insert(i, new ListItem(thisDay.ToShortTimeString(), thisDay.ToShortTimeString()));
so the format of .ToShortTimeString is controlled by the culture of the executing thread, I would not expect it to be different on different machines unless not running the same version of .NET or maybe not having all the windows updates or .NET service paks installed could be a factor.
There are lots of people using mojoPortal with Italian and I have never seen this issue reported before and since I cannot reporoduce the issue it must be something about your machine or environment.
Hope it helps,