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When I tried to upload an image, I got the "oops..." message.
This is what I did:
And this is the error log:
Is this a bug or did I just not follow the correct procedure?
I just re-wrote our documentation about Supporting Large File Uploads, it has all the information that I know of to help you.
Hope that helps,
Hi Joe,
I'm still in the "trying things out" phase so the file I tried to upload was a deliberately small .jpg of about 20,000 bytes. Does this make any difference to your reply?
Of course I'll carefully study the re-written documentation to see if there are any clues in there but I'm left with the nagging feeling that for a 20 kb upload it should just work "out of the box" shouldn't it?
On a related matter, I managed to display some images on one page by uploading them to the "gallery". However, despite spending lots of time doing through the documentation, I'm still not clear about the difference between some of the folders that are exposed when you click on "File Manager". So what's the difference between the following folders: Attachments Folder Galleries Gallery Images Media>Gallery Images
When should I use each folder?
I just updated the article Allowing Users to Upload and Browse Files with information that is relevant to these questions. See especially the section about Storage Quotas.
Thanks Joe.
I'm getting there!