site updates part repeating items

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5/27/2013 2:38:27 PM
Total Posts 10

site updates part repeating items

Q. I put a site updates part on the home page (and had it show blog updates). The part/module repeats the items in the list i.e. one of the  blog entires are repeated


have you heard of this?

you can view here


thanks -dave

5/28/2013 10:40:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: site updates part repeating items


I recommend upgrade to mojoPortal and then rebuild the search index. The recent content feature uses the search index and there were some fixes in version to help avoid duplicates in the search index. Those duplicates you see mean there are duplicates in your search index.

Also make sure you are not running the site with multiple host names on the same site or multiple IIS web sites pointing to the same installation because then the search index can be updated from multiple contexts which can create duplicates in the search index.

Also I notice you have CombineCSS set to false which I recommend never doing, it causes all the separate css files to be linked (which makes lots more http requests and is not good for page performance) and then you have no control over the cache headers of the static css files as you do when they are combined by csshandler.ashx.

Hope that helps,


5/31/2013 9:54:51 PM
Total Posts 10

Re: site updates part repeating items

Ok, I will need to get the latest and compare to ensure I do not overwrite any changes i may have made.  I have tried to keep my changes within the site skin.

With regards to combinecss, if i set as true then my site skin is not working so well.

I found this post which says if there are any double quotes or the images are not in the same dir as the css it can cause issues.

I am using bootstrap.css and bootstrap-responsive.css files which violate the above rules.

Is there any other way to take advantage of csshandler without modifying the delivered bootstrap css files? (is there any 'checker's to quickly identify issues within the bundled css files?)




6/1/2013 10:16:41 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: site updates part repeating items

Upgrading mojoPortal never touches your skin or any user uploaded files, it only updates skins in the catalog under /Data/skins not under /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins

When a new site is created the skins are copied from the catalog to the site specific folder and then never touched except by you. So you can customize and modify your skins without worry. What you should never do is fork the code, if you do that you will lose those changes if you upgrade.

If the csshandler isn't working for you and you don't want to make your css files compatible with it, then what I would do is manually combine them (and minify them would be ideal) yourself into one css file and then list only that file in style.config and keep CombineCss as false. Then there will be just one link to your static css file and therefore only one http request. The list of files in style.config is the list of files that css handler would combine but with CombineCss as false it would create links to each of the listed files and it is a lot of them so it adds a lot of http requests which is not ideal. So by combining them yourself and then just listing the one combined file you can achieve the same benefit except lose the on the fly combining.

Hope that helps,


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